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Firmware Upgrades

  1. Get Alpha Manager
  2. Install / start alpha manager
  3. Attach base to computer and boot it
  4. Check if base has been found
  5. Go to page BootLoad and upload the firmware you want
  6. After firmware is installed, power down the base
  7. Wait 10s
  8. Power up the base
  9. Check if firmware is displayed correctly in alpha manager
  10. If the Firmware is 6000 or 0, install again
  11. If Firmware is correct, do a factory reset
  12. Check Channel
  13. Center your wheel, set your settings and write to base
  14. Now you’re ready to race

Firmware Downgrade

In case there is a need to downgrade the Firmware you pretty much follow the same steps as Firmware upgrade. Do it with the newest alpha manager or you can try the offline updater from here Base Offline Updater

You will also need some old version of the Firmware