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I have tried many virtual dashboards, when it comes to latency, nothing comes close to VDASH-EMU by EKSimracing. On top of that, the configuration possibilities are endless, never seen anything else which is able to compare to it. But wow, how difficult is the editor, everything is just a huge pain when working with it. There is no intelligent way to configure a dashboard on your computer, and then transferring over to the mobile device. No, you need to use an emulator on the PC, which has the exact same horrific usability of the app on your phone. However, once things work, it’s just plain awesome. Want one single LED to work in a slightly different way, yep you’ll be able to do that.

Of course, it’s also possible to use hardware with SLI Max, and I think that’s where it really excels, especially LED lighting patterns and things like that.

I have such a mixed relationship with this product. I want to love it, but configuration is just too difficult for me at the moment